Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Your FAQ's: "Why can't you tell me how much it will cost?"

The Your FAQ's titled posts are truely inspired by our patients and prospective patients. Please take the time to read these thorough explanations of the most common questions we hear in our practice.

Q: "Why can't you tell me how much it will cost?"   

A: This  is one of the first and most common questions we get in our dental practice. We see a wide variety of patients, from those needing routine diagnostic and preventative care (cleanings, exams and x-rays) to fillings and crowns to multiple extractions and implant supported dentures. Most simply put, if you haven't been a patient and therefore do not have information including x-rays and a history on file with us, we don't really know that you need the root canal you're calling to get a price about. Most people have heard the doctor's oath "first do no harm." The idea is the same here, meaning we cannot diagnose any condition over the phone, or without having seen it first hand.
    Here's another example, let's say you're considering dentures. Without an exam and x-rays (and in some cases a CAT scan) it is nearly impossible to know if your jaw will support dentures. Each denture is custom crafted with state-of-the-art technology to give patients the best fit and most durable wear possible. We work hard to give you as many options as possible to perfect your smile, including choosing the color, shape and size of your new teeth.
     Our final example concerns crowns and veneers. Much like dentures, each is custom made especially for you, the individual patient. We need to know which tooth is being restored, where on the tooth is the restoration needed? What kind of materials will be used? We adress these concerns during your exam. We also address variables behind the scenes, for instance, does the patient have insurance? How much will insurance cover? Is there a deductible? What benefits has the patient used this year? We research these kinds of questions for you and are always happy to do so!
     Patients requiring extensive dental care get what we call a treatment plan, a thorough explanation of necessity and cost after an exam and all other pertient information has been reviewed. While this may require an additional visit, it is the best way to gurantee you're getting exactly what you need.
      If you're considering having elective procedures, understand most are not covered by insurance. This is why we offer consultations. Consultations are your opportunity to learn about your options and are a very wise investment in your time.

Hopefully this FAQ is helpful! Please submit your burning questions to or post them in a reply and we will be happy to address them!

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